

JobTips has been successfully recruiting for local companies with some of the best available workers who seek career opportunities. We have strong connections with over hundreds of employers within and outside of Ontario. We retain a team of skilled recruitment professionals who uphold our reputation by providing effective and efficient recruitment services resulting in customers’ satisfaction.


Employment & Immigration Services


The student experiencce and visit in Canada is meant to be safe and enjoyed. We also care about the living and safety situations of our clients! We partner with trusted organizations and field professionals to provide comprehensive settlement solutions.


Real Estate Services

Real Estate: It can be a very frustrating experience to our international students in finding living accommodations due to unfamiliarity with the local living experience, rental property resources and tenant protection regulations. Not to worry, we are here to help!

Insurance Services

Insurance is a very significant and necessary protection tool for every resident in Canada. While studying or visiting in Canada, government health care plans might not be available to you. We know that health care costs can be expensive if you’re not covered a Canadian government health insurance plan. Starting from your initial stage as an international student, we provide health insurance before and after you graduate from school, parent visiting travel insurance, Super Visa health insurance and more!
